The Government of Samoa through its Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hosted a virtual workshop on Data Analytics for Monitoring and Evaluation, from the 6th - 10th December 2021. The focus of the workshop was to build the capacity of Government Officials directly responsible for data analytics, and recognize the importance of monitoring data collection methods, and evaluating data received.
Participants of the Workshop included Officers of the Samoa International Finance Authority (SIFA) and the Samoa International Business Finance Centre Ltd (Samoa IBFC). This recognizes the vital role that data has in the sustainability and growth of the International Finance Industry. The Workshop was held virtually, which also highlights and recognizes the important role that digital technologies have in our work and the direction in which the global economy is moving towards.
We look forward to utilizing relevant software which was introduced in the Workshop to assist with our data collection and evaluation reports.